“In the midst of having great craic, we didn’t realise we were making beautiful memories.”

— Carol Doey

The artists documented here are those who were invited to join a pilot project which started in spring 2020. In conversations with them I evaluated the interest they had in being publicized and made visible in this way. It proved to be not only of interest to the women I approached but prompted enthusiastic engagement and I gained their approval of its significance and timeliness. 

Thanks and appreciation to those six women who agreed to be photographed, spoke from their hearts in one to one interviews and share their experiences here.

It is now my intention to invite other women to join this project and help extend this online gallery, exhibiting the rich lives of older women in the arts in N. Ireland.

“I enjoyed taking part in the ‘Real Women, Big Lives’ project as Sheila has a wonderfully relaxed and empathetic approach to taking photos. She chatted and put me at my ease allowing me to recommend locations that meant something special to me. She is an active listener which makes all the difference.”

— Liz Weir

There are three components to taking part. You will be photographed at work, at home and in a favourite place. It is followed by a short interview which seeks to find the underpinning supportive resources you draw on, the difficulties that have blown you off course and the wisdom you would pass onto other women. Quotes from the interviews will accompany the photographs. 

You can review all the edited photographs and selected quotes before they go online. The photographs will be released to you for personal/professional use two months after publication on the website. Similarly, I will release to you, at the same time, the transcript of your interview for your own use.

“Attention to detail is Sheila’s way and in a flexible process that will encourage you to appreciate the journey of your life, so far!”

— Mary McGuiggan

As the pilot project has been very successful in gathering, supporting and inspiring this small group of women, I have asked them to introduce me to others who might be interested in joining us.

In line with the original criteria this would include older women (over sixty) from a variety of art practices, and locations, and with different life experiences.

To support the ongoing upkeep of the website I now ask each artist for a small monthly subscription. It reflects the support and inspiration that artists garner from the project and the value of having a set of photographs to use as each wishes.

“It has been inspirational to witness Sheila’s passion and determination to bring this Project to fruition and life-giving to share pictures, stories and time with all the brilliant real women with big, big lives.... and there’s more to come!”

— Anne Tracey

“It has been an absolute pleasure being part of 'Real Women, Big Lives' project. Sheila led us through a beautiful creative process with her skilful, nurturing and experienced hand. For me it was an unravelling and a revealing of my own processes, the early influences, choices made that led me to the here and now. It offered personal and professional reflection that enabled me to hit the 'reset' button and discover where I now wish to place my creative energy. Meeting like minded women whom I respect and who inspire me, together with Sheila's generosity and encouragement, made this experience joyful and unique.”

— Ursula McHugh